Wednesday, May 08, 2013

NTSA- horrible process in Chicago "The Windy City"

After a tasteful flight from Salt Lake City, to Chicago where I actually slept for once in my life on a plane mainly due to me staying until 4:00 am before having to wake up at 5:45 am to go to the airport. this is a complaint about the TSA, I was stopped and searched by the airport natzi'z at the Chicago airport today. This was my first encounter with these thugs, and I didn't like it at all let e tel you. It didn't help that the lady had the biggest attitude and was throwing my bags and clothes all over the place. I so wanted to say, "hey lady, you need to calm it down," but I kept my sanity haha. I never knew that a phone charger could cause so many problems, not to mention the line for security was already longer than anything. If you are familiar with the new Popeyes chicken that opened up in Lehi, Utah then thats how this line was. already suffering from a headache from the plane ride I had to wait in that line and then go through that, I am kind of upset haha, but oh well I'd rather be safe than sorry I guess. Now I look at it this way, If it wasn't me and they just let someone go by and it ended up in a tragic situation then everyone would be highly upset, so I guess its a good thing they are so uptight, but that lady needs to calm down and fold my shit back up, and neatly put it in my bag haha. Well I am waiting here in the airport in Chicago getting ready for this long flight to Sweden, you all have a blessed day and thank you for reading my complaints and cries... sorry this is late it wouldnt upload earlier.

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