Wednesday, May 08, 2013

First day in Sweden- "This place is amazing"

My first day in Sweden was pretty cool. Although I didn't travel around much I did get to see the old downtown of Stockholm, it was pretty cool I must say, there is a lot of history in that place. From the narrow streets where cars could barely fit, all the way to the streets still being paved with stones and castles alined in the middle surrounded by old Protestant churches. I was amazed at how all of these things made you feel so lucky to be able to see. They still have guards at watch in front of the castles even though no one lives there, I guess if we in the US we are suffering from layoffs, well we can move to Sweden and try to become a guard of empty historic buildings haha. The water is beautiful, I know it sounds weird but it really is very blue and streams really smoothly. I took some pictures and have posted them to my Facebook page you can take a look. There are also some on this post from me flying in.

Sweden has a lot of interesting things behind it that not many people know. Some of the things I have found out about this place has made me think.... WOW! it really can get better. some of the things that are very interesting and shuts the US down in my opinion are...

1: US, we pay for schooling in high school and college, well sweden students get paid to go to high school once they turn 15, and well University is free, but thats not it, they also get paid to go to school. Even though it is only enough to buy books then have a little money left over, still THEY GET PAID TO GO TO SCHOOL. I bet that would motivate a lot of us Americans to wake up each day and have something worth going to class for.

2: Healthcare in free here, they pay nothing for healthcare which is pretty sweet because everyone deserves to be helped in my opinion.

3: The street lights here in Sweden are kind of weird but I find them interesting. In America they go GREEN, YELLOW, RED. But here in Sweden it is the other way around they go RED, YELLOW, GREEN, so you can begin diving on yellow instead of coming to a stop or trying to rush through the lights.

4: The waitresses and waiters here get paid pretty well, so that means you as a guest don't tip them, you just pay a lot for a meal. I haven't gone out to eat at restaurant yet but I did stop at McDonalds, (very american like) and I ordered a Big Mac combo ad it was 59 krona (swedish money) this is equal to about $9.30 US dollars. and wait did I mention they don't have lemonade! It was pretty weird but oh well, the plus side to that is I ordered apple juice and it comes in a bottle, but they give you a cup as well, so I got two drinks because I poured soda in my cup and drank out of the apple juice bottle.

I find these things to be pretty fascinating, but if these natives were to come to America I bet hey would feel the same way I do. With all of these cool things and free schooling of course there are going to be some kind of setbacks. Here in Sweden the taxes are pretty high, and there are sales taxes and government taxes so your getting hit with a two-piece from "MONEY mayweaher," but at the end of the day things equal out.

Thanks for reading, please continue to follow and comment if you want.

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